My 2021 Goals

Gosh, time flies. The year 2020 is over, and 2021 is here. Another year has come and gone!

For those of you who have been here since last year, I really appreciate you being around and continually using our products!

It’s the time of the year again for some much-needed reflection and introspection to set the right tone for the new year!

I have been busy coming up with my goals for 2021, and I wanted to share the biggest ones with you.

The first goal I have for 2021 is SELF-LOVE.

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As a wife of 5 years and a mother to 2 wonderful young kids, I’ve been giving my all to them (not that it is a bad thing) and to our household, but at the end of the day I always feel exhausted and tired (sometimes unappreciated) about life. Then I attended this Self-Love Retreat around November, that made me realize that – I cannot pour from an empty cup. I NEED to take care of myself so that I can fill my cup and pour more love to the people around me.

The second goal I have for 2021 is to live up to my word of the year – CONSISTENCY.

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Do you have a word for this year? Just a single word that you will hold on to, to make your whole year right and aligned to your goals? Mine is CONSISTENCY. This word is something that I do not have eversince! I easily get distracted. I easily give myself excuses. I procrastinate and it is awful and unproductive! And my goal is to change that and be CONSISTENT. I know that I could have done bigger things last year if only I have been consistent.

The third goal I have for 2021 is to have a YOUNG LIVING FAMILY.

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I have been in Young Living since 2019 with a community that has grown to over 600+ members. And you are receiving this email because you are in my circle and I am so happy that you are here. For my third goal this year, I want every person in my circle to feel that they are NOT ALONE and that they are SUPPORTED 100% – in short, I want you to feel that you have a FAMILY here in Young Living. And as a way for me to make you feel my intentions for this family, I will be sharing my blessings to you guys through giveaways, classes, and even 1on1 coaching if you wish so. I want you to feel that you are free to ask and to share anything without hesitations or fear of judgement. Because that is what family is all about, right?

There’s nothing like sharing your goals with a list of 600+ virtual friends to make sure I stay accountable and actually work towards completing my goals!

What about you, my fellow oiler?

What is your #1 goal for 2021? Comment in and let me know.

It really makes me happy to know more about what your goals and desires are.

Here’s to a productive 2021!

Yenyen Ruelo, The Oily Nanay

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